
Utiliser une poutre d'entraînement d'escalade lorsqu'on débute

Using a climbing training hangboard when starting out

Training on a climbing hangboard is an essential method for strengthening grip strength and upper body power. We will offer you methods to adjust the difficulty in order to train effectively on a training beam, whatever your starting level. Your board will become essential to make the most of your climbing potential!

Climbing training beams are great tools for progressing and building finger strength. However, when you're just starting out, the holds can seem inaccessible. We can potentially hang on the deepest holds, but it can become too complicated on the small strips.
It is easy to think that the depth of the holds is the only factor of difficulty, however, there are other methods to adjust the difficulty of your training.

This article is aimed at beginners on the training beam, offering methods to adjust the difficulty in order to train effectively, whatever the starting level.

Why use a climbing hangboard when you're starting out?

Up to a certain level, many people get by without needing to practice on a beam. However, some aspects of climbing can be improved through the use of a training beam.

Moreover, strength indicators measured by climbing coaches show that there is a correlation between successfully completing a difficult boulder and the climber's ability to hold a rod.

It is undeniable that beam training represents an essential method for strengthening grip strength and upper body power. If your genetics do not particularly predispose you to climbing, this training tool becomes essential to maximize your potential as a climber.

Do you think your finger strength is a weak point when climbing? Do the slopes and small holds give you a cold sweat? Do you feel stuck on a level that you can't get past?

Then the training beam is probably THE right tool to help you progress.

In the rest of this article, we will explain how to properly use a climbing beam when you are starting out.

How to use a climbing beam when starting out?

Use your training beam properly

First of all, to use your beam properly when you're starting out, here are a few points to follow:

1. Warm up

It seems obvious to say, but before a training session on your climbing beam, warm up as if you were warming up to climb a route!

2. Don't do arches

This is essential when you're starting out: don't do a workout that requires you to do arches!
(Arched: when, on a horizontal line, the 2nd phalanx is above the first phalanx) .

Stay on semi-arched or taut.
(Semi-arched: when, on a horizontal line, the 2nd phalanx is at the same level as the first phalanx
Stretched: when, on a horizontal line, the 2nd phalanx is below the first phalanx)

3. Don't try to go faster than the music!

Take your time in your progress. Work in stages.
If you are able to do 10 push-ups, your next goal would be to do 11, then 12, ... and not 50 immediately.

4. Don’t try complicated climbing after a big beam session

Your fingers are made up of small joints that, during normal daily activities, do not benefit from a large flow of blood.
After a big beam session, your fingers are more tired than the rest of your body.

Attempting to climb in this state significantly increases the risk of injury!

5. Recover after your session

As with warming up, it seems obvious to say, but after a training session on your climbing beam, cool down as you would after a climbing session!

If you finish a beam session without taking time to recover, you will feel the consequences during your next climbing session. Your fingers and forearms will be heavier and more rigid.

Reduce Difficulty

If you're just starting out or lack finger strength, even the deepest grip may seem too demanding.
This does not mean that using a beam is out of reach, but simply that the exercise must be simplified.

To reduce the difficulty, we propose 2 solutions:

Hanging with your feet on the ground

The simplest method to relieve stress on your fingers is to transfer some of the weight to your feet.
For this, if your feet are not already touching the ground when you do a suspension, we recommend using a chair or crash pads.

To increase the difficulty, bend your knees more and more to lift part of your feet off the ground (or the chair/crashpad).

Do suspensions while shedding weight

The second method is to lighten up.

For this, most training beams require the installation of a pulley system. This requires the installation of anchor bolts under the beam, which then allows the resistance to be adjusted by attaching weights to a harness.

Thanks to its ingenious and easy-to-use system, the VerticalBoard range of climbing beams allows you to reduce weight by simply using an elastic band . Pass the elastic of your choice (each elastic has a specific resistance) through the notch provided for this purpose or through the central handle, and that's it! No need to install a pulley system.

To use the elastic properly, once hooked, place your feet through it.
To increase the difficulty, reduce the tension in the elastic by placing your knees instead of your feet. Then we move on to an elastic with less resistance.
Durable and high quality, YY Vertical elastics have been specially designed for this reason.


End of article note:

This article provides solutions for beam training. It remains important to progress at your own pace, based on your strength level and specific goals.